Five element facial
Based on the Chinese philosophy of health it is said that our body structure, emotional tendencies, temperaments, behaviours, illnesses and moods are a synergy between five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water.
In order to restore balance and sustain a healthy life there needs to be an equilibrium between these elements within our bodies. Understanding and addressing your unique structure and natural rhythms will help you feel refreshed, nurtured and ready to thrive in your everyday life. We have created our five element facials on the basis of the elements to help you with just that. If you have imbalance in a specific element this in turn negatively affects the skin. An example is if the metal element out of balance it can cause redness, psoriasis or any skin condition that creates redness or flakiness. Alternatively the skin can lack vibrancy of colour. On an emotional level this may mean the person is feeling block creatively, feeling stuck in the past and can't seem to move forward in their lives. This then can then lead to a feeling of apathy. In our metal element facial we will then work on the organs of the lungs and large intestines and create change internally which positively affects the skin and the persons life. This is change on all levels.
"I wanted to create a treatment that incorperated all aspects, body, mind and soul. I wanted to combine all my knowledge to create something special. This treatment combines aromatherapy, reflexology, Kinesiology, healing guasha tool , and sound therapy. We use essential oils, crystal and flower essences alongside stimulating different acupressure or reflexology points. This is a treatment to remember" Andrea O' Shea

Fire element facial
75 mins
Heart healing
Improve circulation
Relieve insomnia
Reduce anxiety
Skin type: lack lustre skin, pale complexion.
Organs-Heart and small intestine
Double Cleanse
Gentle oxygenation exfoliation
Pressure point face massage with specialised blend of essential oils crystal and flower essences.
Cooling face mask
Chest and shoulders massage
Hand and arm massage
Nourishing antioxidant moisturiser and eye cream
Specialised Kinesiology and reflexology points stimulated according to your emotional and physical needs. Bringing you back into balance.
With Andrea: $360
Add light therapy $50
Add peel $30

Water element Facial
75 mins
Increase longevity
Dissolving fear
Boost hair health
Improve presence
Skin type: Dark circles under the eyes, dull split hair, dull skin.
Organs-Kidney and Bladder
Double Cleanse
Double Cleanse
Oxygenating exfoliation
Pressure point face massage with tailored essential oils, crystal and flower essences.
Hydratingface mask
Moisturiser and eye cream
Chest and shoulder massage
Hand and arm massage
Nourishing antioxidant moisturiser and eye cream
Specialised Kinesiology and reflexology points stimulated according to emotional and physical needs. Bringing you back into balance.
With Andrea: $360
Add light therapy $50
Add peel $30

Earth element facial
75 min
Boost energy
Enhance digestion
Release worry and obsession
Get grounded
Skin type: dull skin, dry cracked lips, loose muscle tone. puffiness.
Organs- Spleen and stomach
Double Cleanse
Rice and charcoal exfoliation
Pressure point face massage with specialised blend of essential oils, crystal and flower essences.
Moisture mask
Moisturiser and eye cream
Chest and shoulder massage
Hand and arm massage
Nourishing antioxidant moisturiser and eye cream
Specialised Kinesiology and reflexology points stimulated according to emotional and physical needs. Bringing you back into balance.
With Andrea: $360
Add light therapy $50
Add peel $30

Wood element Facial
75 mins
Detoxify the body
Relieve headaches and tension
Feel relaxed and at peace
Release shoulder tension
Skin type: combination, congested, breakouts
Organs- Liver abd gallbladder
Double Cleanse
Double Cleanse
Deep exfoliation
Pressure point face massage with tailored essential oils, crystal and flower essences.
Clay face mask
Moisturiser and eye cream
Chest and shoulder massage
Hand and arm massage
Light moisturiser and eye cream
Specialised Kinesiology and reflexology points stimulated according to emotional and physical needs. Bringing you back into balance.
With Andrea: $360
Add light therapy $50
Add peel $30

Metal element Facial
75 mins
Boost your immune system
Improve breathing
Let go of the old
Release toxins
Skin type: eczema, psoriasis, red patchy skin, dry skin.
Organs- Lungs and large intestine
Double Cleanse
Enzyme exfoliation
Pressure point face massage with tailored essential oils, crystal and flower essences.
Pro-biotic face mask
Moisturiser and eye cream
Chest and shoulder massage
Hand and arm massage
Nourishing antioxidant moisturiser and eye cream
Specialised Kinesiology and reflexology points stimulated according to emotional and physical needs. Bringing you back into balance.
With Andrea: $360
Add light therapy $50
Add peel $30